Program Updates

Best laid plans…….we have a few tweeks in our program scheduling, due to unforeseen commitments.  The August meeting that was to be Air Dry Clay with Reida Wrenholt has been cancelled.  The new program will be an oil painting lesson with Edgar Millican.  He will be taking us through steps beginning with prepping canvas.  He will have handouts and samples to view.  He also took an oil painting workshop at ANAC that he will report on also.  He is very excited to pass on to you his years of knowledge.  This will not be a hands-on, so no need to purchase anything.

September will be our Critique night (bring one or two pieces for members to help “push” your work further.

October will be Kirk Kuenzi and “Segmented Drawings” of creepy crawly creatures. (just in time for Halloween)

November will be Jan Garvin and “Collage”

December will be “Make and Take Christmas”.  Members can bring in a Christmas craft/art project that they can demonstrate, or have members make.