Monthly Archives: June 2024

Author and Artists Showcase!

Saturday June 29th will be the Nebraska Author and Artists Showcase on the square in Seward from 2-4. This is a free event!  Also included is Seward’s Red, White and Bloom Day 6th annual Garden Tour sponsored by Liberty House.  Tickets for that event, running from 9:30 till 3 can be picked up at Liberty House.  $15 per person.

July Meeting

Tuesday July 9th is our next monthly meeting, located at Sheridan Lutheran Church, 6955 Old Cheney Road.  (door 4) at 6:30 p.m.

I am excited to announce that I will be conducting a diorama demonstration at our July meeting. This will be a unique and immersive experience, beginning with a guided meditation to help you envision a special place that you will then bring to life through your diorama.

To participate fully in this creative journey, please bring the following materials:

  • A box or container of any sort (shoebox, wooden box, or any container that inspires you)
  • Any materials you would like to use to create your diorama (paper, paint, glue, natural elements, small figurines, etc.) (ideas listed below)

Additionally, I will be bringing a variety of materials for everyone to use, so don’t worry if you don’t have everything on hand.

The guided meditation will help you tap into your imagination and creativity, allowing you to create a diorama that is deeply personal and meaningful.

I look forward to seeing the wonderful places you will create and share with us.

Warm regards,


Decorative Elements
• Shoeboxes
• Wooden boxes
• Cardboard boxes of various sizes
Basic Supplies
• Scissors
• Craft knives
• Rulers
• Pencils and erasers
• Cutting mats
• Glue sticks
• White glue (PVA glue)
• Hot glue guns and glue sticks
• Double-sided tape
• Masking tape
Papers and Cardboards
• Construction paper
• Colored cardstock
• Patterned scrapbook paper
• Tissue paper
• Corrugated cardboard
Paints and Coloring Supplies
• Acrylic paints
• Watercolor paints
• Brushes of various sizes
• Paint palettes
• Markers
• Colored pencils
• Crayons
• Small figurines (animals, people,
• Natural elements (twigs, leaves,
stones, sand)
• Fabric scraps
• Ribbons and lace
• Beads and sequins
• Faux flowers and plants
• Feathers
Sculpting Materials
• Modeling clay
• Air-dry clay
• Foam sheets and shapes
• Pipe cleaners
• Wire
Additional Tools
• Tweezers (for placing small items)
• Toothpicks (for detailing)
• Palette knives (for sculpting and
• Small cups or containers for mixing
• Miniature props (furniture, vehicles,
• LED tea lights or fairy lights
• Cotton balls or batting (for clouds or
• Sandpaper (for smoothing surfaces)

Have you been working on your still life challenge issued earlier this spring?  These will be presented in a show and tell at our September meeting which will also be the fall critique night.

ANAC entries will be returned tonight also.

Program Updates

Best laid plans…….we have a few tweeks in our program scheduling, due to unforeseen commitments.  The August meeting that was to be Air Dry Clay with Reida Wrenholt has been cancelled.  The new program will be an oil painting lesson with Edgar Millican.  He will be taking us through steps beginning with prepping canvas.  He will have handouts and samples to view.  He also took an oil painting workshop at ANAC that he will report on also.  He is very excited to pass on to you his years of knowledge.  This will not be a hands-on, so no need to purchase anything.

September will be our Critique night (bring one or two pieces for members to help “push” your work further.

October will be Kirk Kuenzi and “Segmented Drawings” of creepy crawly creatures. (just in time for Halloween)

November will be Jan Garvin and “Collage”

December will be “Make and Take Christmas”.  Members can bring in a Christmas craft/art project that they can demonstrate, or have members make.

ANAC Convention

I again came away with a wonderful experience at this year’s ANAC Convention in Fremont.  I really encourage everyone to participate, it really gets the juices flowing.  (rumor is that in two years, the convention may be in Beatrice)  Kathy Cartier and I both took the two day mixed media workshop and had a great time.  We will possibly get a chance to pass on what we learned at a later date, but I wanted to pass on this little bit of information.

While we were at the banquet, we listened to the keynote speaker, Suzann Beck and she relayed to us the way she looked at and selected the winners of the art show.  Craft, concept and creativity.

  1.  Craft – how well did the artist use their medium.  How skillful where they in using their materials, etc.?
  2. Concept – did they tell a story, did they get across what they wanted to say? What was their idea and did they achieve it?
  3. Creativity – novel ideas, something unusual, not seen before, just a little bit different.

Something else that came up was the framing used in the works.  Ask yourself, does the frame enhance, or detract!

Just some things to think about when you are pushing your art to the next level!

Seward Fourth of July Show

The show is hanging at the Red Path Gallery in Seward for the months of June and July.  Be sure to stop in Thursdays through Sundays.  The week of the 4th they will have extended hours:  July 3rd-12 – 5, the 4th-9:30 – 4, the 5th-12 – 7, the 6th-10-6 and the 7th-1-4.  Be sure to pass on the extended hours to family and friends.  The Guild hosted an opening reception on Saturday June 22 which was well received.

Fall Show

Still need ideas for a Fall Show location.  Either October or November!  Anyone have an in with the new owner of the Noyes Gallery?  City Libraries?  Hotels? (probably would have to have a member on site for that one) We could work out an online show.  Let Carmen know of any ideas.

Memorial Event

Please mark your calendars for the memorial service for our former LAG member Taylor Wilson set for November 14, 15 and 16.  The service will be at the American Lutheran Church feloowship hall at 4200 Vine Street here in Lincoln.  The LAG is coordinating with the Wilson family to settle Taylor”s personal collection of art work, supplies and equipment with 100% of the proceeds to the LAG.  Lynette Fast will be the coordinator between the family, LAG and the Church.  We will be responsible for helping promote the event, setting up, sales during the day, tearing down and cleaning up of the church space.  We may be able to sell LAG art work also, more information about that later.  Please mark your calendars, as this will require some help, but it will bring in some revenue to the Guild.